| Barthélemy Serres, Ph.D Head Graduated from the University of Tours, (Eng in C-Sc, 2007 & PhD in 2013) he started his career as Research Engineer in the INRIA Center of Rennes Bretagne Atlantique (Brittany). He then receive his PhD. His thesis in Computer Science was done in collaboration with GE Healthcare and the INSERM 930 Unit. He was working on the White Matter tract validation from Diffusion Imaging using dissection 3D data. He built a great expertise in 3D data digitization and 3D data analysis in immersive setups. He gained multidisciplinary skills along experiences in private and public, french ond foreign institutes, to reach now a high-end expertise. Dr Barthélemy Serres is the founder and currently the team leader of the ILIAD3 Expertise and Industrial Transfer Center. |
 | Gilles Venturini, Full Professor Main Scientific Advisor Gilles Venturini is Full Professor in Computer Science in the University Of Tours (Polytechnic School Tours). His research interests are Immersive Human Computer Interfaces, Data Anlaysis and Visualization, Data mining and Knowledge discovery for novices or experts, with topics including Complex Data Visualization, Visual Data Mining, ... |